Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Ball"

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Q: Ball hardness is different. The surface of the ball used in tennis is covered with felt. Therefore, that ball is firm. While, the ball used in soft tennis is made out of rubber. Accordingly, that ball is soft. Soft tennis ball is lighter than tennis ball. Rule is different. If you get more than 2 points ahead and get more than 4 points, then you win one game is the same. In soft tennis, 4 points ahead is set as one set and 4 sets get will win. Whereas, in tennis, 6 games ahead is set as one set and 2 or 3 sets get will win. So, tennis harder than soft tennis. Stretching of net is difference. In soft tennis, bold the net horizontally. But, in tennis, lower the middle slightly. Tennis has a professional. However, soft tennis is amateur sports. That is way tennis is prizer than soft tennis. это звучит нормально?

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