Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Finalyy"

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Q: will go back to NY😭😭 I’m soo sad but I’m totally happy about I can meet you and become a friend🌻 I can’t thank you enough but thank you so much for being good for me and also get along with my little craziness:)
I think you might be not meet this kind of a “Typical” Japanese like me:very shy, neat and serious🙈 I had a lot of memories and all of them are good memories I was so happy to work with you and outside of working, we went to drink, party a lot, and hangout! It was quite short but I had soooo much fun,thank you.

I really hope your stay in New York will be much much better and please be safely to go back home:)
Say hello to your family and we will never forget such a wonderful woman:)

I’ll write letter for my friend could you please do a correction?? это звучит нормально?

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