Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Religions"

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Q: Religions play a crucial role in people’s daily life. No matter how many religions there on the planet are, one of their commonest purposes is to build values like love, empathy, respect, and harmony for humanity. Religion makes people feel hopeful and peaceful, this is why most of them have their faith. Each religion has festivals, traditions, mythologies that form a part of the heritage of the country. Therefore, religion contributes to protecting the heritage and adds to the diversity in the country. это звучит нормально?
A: × No matter how many religions there on the planet are, one of their commonest purposes is to build values like love, empathy, respect, and harmony for humanity.
✓ No matter how many religions there on the planet are, one of their most common purposes is to build values like love, empathy, respect, and harmony.

× Religion makes people feel hopeful and peaceful, this is why most of them have their faith.
✓ Religion makes people feel hopeful and peaceful, this is why most people have their own faith.

× Each religion has festivals, traditions, mythologies that form a part of the heritage of the country.
✓ Each religion has festivals, traditions, and mythologies that form a part of the heritage of their native country.

"Commonest" is not a word; in that context, we would use "Most common".

"Harmony for humanity" sounds a little bit odd, so I changed it to "Harmony". "World peace" is probably more what you are after, but I don't think World peace is a value (?).

"Religion makes people feel hopeful and peaceful, this is why most of them have their faith." It sounds a little bit unclear of what you mean by "most of them", and "have their faith" makes it sound like one collective faith, so I added in "own".

"Each religion has festivals, traditions, mythologies that form a part of the heritage of the country." Again, "the country" makes it sound like one collective country, so I changed it to "their native country", to show that we are talking about the country that the religion originates from.

Good work.

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