Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Responsibilities"

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Q: Our Responsibilities Towards Social Media Content.

I already spoke about my opinion regarding using emojis when we chat with someone on any of all social media platforms,whether this person is a sibling, close friend, colleague or anybody. I already explained the reason why. It's because emojis don't convey our feelings properly as they should be delivered. Today I would like to digress another similar topic. Sometimes when I see posts or videos on social media; I rethink about thumbing up these posts and videos especially when they contain nudity or dirty speech even though they are made for fun. I also don't do that when I see a negative post about a public figure that I have suspicions about the real he is. In general, I feel that I have responsibility about being part of publishing or spreading something that might affect others life whatever the impact proportion. I think we all must have such responsibilities.

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