Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Richards"

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Q: part-1
Mrs. Richards immediately went upstairs and took off the costume. She felt sorry for the poor man from the Electricity Board, but at the same time, she was so happy that the custom was very effective.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door and Mrs. Richards went downstairs to open it. The electricity man had returned, accompanied a police officer. The man was frightened and told Mrs. Richards that he saw a ghost who covered a white sheet in the storeroom when he had opened the door to read the meter and that it must be a female ghost because he had heard a sound of woman. Though Mrs. Richards explained that the ghost was her and that she was trying a costume when he opened the door of the storeroom, the man didn’t believe her. She told him to open the storeroom door to take a look but he refused. So she opened it herself.
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