Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Advancement"

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Q: How and when this weird "advancement" system became the standard in the Japanese animation industry is vague and hard to specify. However, it was not until 1972 that it became the subject of open discussion. As I mentioned earlier, in 1972 Toei Animation, struggling with accumulated deficits, announced a restructuring of its animators and clashed with the labor union. The management finally dared to carry out a lockout.

Toei Animation at that time had two types of employees: (1) animators who had joined the company at a time when it was hiring wanna-be animators and who had remained in the permanent employment system, and (2) animators who had been hired by the company for a limited period of time after the company ceased to hire young wanna-be animators as employees, and who kept renewing their labor contract. Toei Animation was experiencing financial difficulties due to the decline of the film industry, and so it announced the mass dismissal of those who belonged to the first group and the cancellation of the renewal of the employment contracts of those who belonged to the second group, resulting in a full-scale clash with the in-house labor union. это звучит нормально?

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