Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Bodycam"

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Q: Whose bodycam which videotaped the 2 officers?
I don't think the police officers released the footage to the media.
Did the woman who was arrested have the bodycam???

Two Georgia police officers have been placed on leave after video showed them using a coin-toss app before determining whether to arrest a woman caught speeding in April, and the police chief said he is "appalled" by the move.
"Why am I being arrested?" Sarah Webb is heard saying to Officer Courtney Brown in the bodycam footage posted by NBC affiliate WXIA of Atlanta, which first reported the story.

Webb, who said Friday she was speeding because she was late for her job at a hair salon, was arrested on charges of speeding, reckless driving and driving too fast for conditions, according to police records.

On Monday, a prosecutor dismissed the charges, the station reported.

In the video posted by WXIA, Brown and another officer, Kristee Wilson, are heard discussing what they should do with Webb, and the Brown says that she doesn't have speed detection equipment and Wilson says she doesn't have any tickets. The officers used the terms "A" or arrest for heads, and "R" for release for tails, according to the station.

The video audio appears to show Wilson say "This is tail right?"

Brown says, "Yeah. So release?" and then Wilson says "23," or a police code for arrest, WXIA reported.

"These are people who are supposed to protect us, and instead are treating our freedom and our lives like games," Webb, 24, told NBC News in a phone interview Friday. "It's disgusting. It's scary to think police officers do stuff like this."

Roswell Police Chief Rusty Grant said both officers have been placed on administrative leave and an internal investigation has been launched.

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