Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Defference"

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Q: What is the defference between "confirm" and "check"?
Is it OK to use "confirm" instead of "check" in the below sentence?
Check the the section A of document B to know what to be filled in this table.
A: "confirm" is more like "verify". Sort of a "this seems to be true, but please make sure that it is actually true".

"check" is more like "looking to see something". So check a location to see if your missing item can be found there. Check outside to see if your friend has arrived yet. Check the weather to see what it is,. Check your email to see if there is anything new in there. Check the cookies to see if they are done yet, or if they need a few more minutes. Check to make sure you packed all of your things back into your bag before leaving class. etc.

So you might have to check a few things, to then confirm that something is true or finished or correct. But the "checking" part is looking for the information, and the "confirming" part is just the verifying that the information is correct.


"check to see if it arrived" = go look to see if it is there
"confirm that it arrived" = go find proof that it arrived, go verify that it did actually arrive, go make sure that this fact is actually correct. "confirm" can also be used to talk about commitment, so "confirm your order before clicking submit" = doublecheck that everything is correct before completing the ordering process. Almost like a "I guarantee this is correct" = I confirm this is correct.

In your sentence, the meaning of "look" is probably the most appropriate, so use "check". Use "confirm" for other things like telling them to verify that the information is accurate, etc.


Also, your sentence has a small error: it says "the" twice. "Check the the section A" But it using "the" here is awkward, so it would probably read better to say "Check section A" instead.

Also "to know what to be filled in this table" is a little awkward phrasing and unclear. At the very least, it is better to change it to "to know what NEEDS to be filled in this table." Or "to know what to fill in this table." or "to know how to fill in this table."

"Check section A of document B to know how to fill in this table." This is best if [section A of document B] is a good reference or instructions.

"Check section A of document B to know what needs to be filled in this table." This is best if it is telling you to coordinate the information in section A of Document B with how this other table/form is filled out. So maybe it is two parts of a form, and they have to be filled out the same way, so it is trying to tell you to check how you filled out the earlier section and to coordinate it so that both sections match up correctly. So maybe the form has to be filled out differently for different purposes, so it is important that you keep the information consistent the whole way through it.

Just some suggestions.

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