Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Fight"

Synonyms of "Fight" and their differences

Q: В чем разница между fight и battle и combat и hostilities ?
A: They have a few small differences between them (in terms of meaning) but what's more important about them is how often they are used and how they are used in different contexts. In some cases, they are used for expressions.

Fight is the most commonly used word. Since it is flexible, you can use "fight" in all of these sentences but it will sound less dramatic because sometimes it sounds petty and childish. Much like "combat", it has a connotation of physical contact but unlike it, it depends on the topic and the subjects involved. It is generally safe to use this word for everything.

1. Mom and dad had a fight.

2. I want to fight you.

3. The fight between East and West. (Used as an expression)

4. A fight between a lion and a tiger.

5. Fist-fighting is illegal.

6. The future is worth fighting for. (Expression)

Battle is seldom used for anything now except to sound dramatic or for literary expressions. You can see it used for big historical "fights" in wars or in dramatic interpretations of events. This word has a feeling of greatness and grandeur (雄大) so if you want to use a word to make things sound big and important, use this.

1. Man and machine battled each other for pride and honor.

2. The Battle of the Bulge was a historic event.

3. Please tune in for the battle of the gods.

4. He was battling his fever for a long time but he finally died a month ago.

5. This is a battle of wits (Expression)

Combat is used primarily for physical confrontations. They have a connotation of physical contact between the subjects involved. But it is sometimes used for abstract topics like medical topics for dramatic effect.

1. Physical combat is bloody and needless.

2. Hand-to-hand combat is hard to master.

3. To combat the spread of the common flu, use hand sanitizers before and after every meal.

4. The smell of combat is in the air. (Expression)

Hostilities the least used and has a formal feel to it. You normally only see this between organizations, nations, war groups. It comes from the word "Hostile" which is an adjective (eg. Hostile intent).

1. The hostilities between US and Russia have ceased.

2. Stop the hostilities, I surrender.

3. There is no need for hostilities. (Expression)

Of course there are exceptions and they can be used interchangeably. Sometimes one word is preferred over the other to sound fancy or for literary/stylistic effect. Hope this helps.

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