Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Gadget"

The meaning of "Gadget" in various phrases and sentences

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Other questions about "Gadget"

Q: Q. What new electronic gadgets or equipment are people, who like music, interested in these days?
-what are they talking about?
-what new products excite them and why?

A. Well let me see.. Electronic gadgets? huh Alright.. I think people prefer using wireless ear-phones when it comes to listen to music these day. And you know, it’s really really convenience for us to use wireless ear-phones to listen to music. For example you can easily listen to music without any wire during cooking, exercising and even taking a shower with waterproof. I mean what I’m trying to say is that it's eqquiped with a waterproof. And um also, it has noize cancealing system. So you can enjoy your favorite songs and refresh yourself under any circumstances. So uh what am I trying to say... Anyway This is why people love using wireless ear-phones for music. это звучит нормально?

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