Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Goverment"

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Q: Japanese goverment announced the plan that the programming education will be mandatory for elementary school from 2020. I’d like to talk about the reason that the early education of the programming is needed.

The first point is lack of workforce.
According to the government announcement, it’s expected that IT workers will lack of about 780,000 people in 2030. In order to develop IT human resources, it’s essential to improve a computer skill and a programming skill earlier in school.

The second point is movement of foreign countries.
There are some countries which are moving ahead of programming education.
To give an example, in UK, programming is mandatory during compulsory education from 5 to 16 years old . And some other countries are also going ahead of Japan. So Japan should encourage it based on other countries experience. это звучит нормально?

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