Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Might"

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Q: What does " that might play into the president's hands," mean?

Issuing a subpoena also would likely lead to fresh attacks from the president and his Republican allies. Trump has regularly disparaged the Russia investigation as a political "witch hunt," and on Thursday he told Bloomberg News that he believes the special counsel investigation is "illegal."

"I think [Mueller's prosecutors] would be crossing a line and, look, I also think that might play into the president's hands," said Ford O'Connell, a Republican strategist. "President Trump wants to fight this out in public because of what he, or the administration, sees as brutal prosecutorial tactics by the special counsel."

But challenging a grand jury subpoena could also risk giving the appearance that Trump is not cooperating with the investigation, which his critics would undoubtedly seize on.

Legal analysts agree that it's a step that Mueller, like any experienced prosecutor, is willing to take if Trump's testimony is vital to ending the probe.

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