Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Mistake"

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Q: Can you correct my mistakes?

The most challenging part of the project was to find sellers for our flea market and to advertise our project to the people.

We opened a Facebook page, where we explained our aims of the project and invited our friends. We also printed some flyers and spread them in our neighborhood and other schools. We acquired our friends to tell as many people about our project as possible.

In the end, we didn't expect that a lot of people wanted to joy our project. And we had difficulty to manage the places for sellers and the program, like music and to find people, who can do presentations about the problem of the homeless difficultly situation.

Finally, we could solve all problems and our flea market had a huge success. We donated money for organizations, as we wanted.

If other students want to follow our example for raising money, I would suggest you not be afraid. For good causes people will always support you.
Q: Can you correct my mistakes?

Once, my class decided to raise money for a good cause. First of all we needed to discuss, what cause we should raise money. The majority agreed to raise money for helping the homeless, because on winter days they need more clothes, food and accommodations to survive in the cold winter weather. Our School director allowed us to organize a flea market, where we could earn money by selling second hand stuff and just encourage people to donate for our project. With the money we could get, we wanted to give to some homeless hotels, that they can build more accommodations for the homeless or do accommodations more safely. Some part of the amount we wanted to give to organizations, which provide food and clothes for the homeless. The idea of our project was fixed, the date was settled.

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