Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Modal"

Synonyms of "Modal" and their differences

Q: В чем разница между All the modal verbs: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must и ought to. When each one is used ?
A: Can: this word can be used when your asking someone a question. For example:
“Can you get me something?”
It’s can also show what someone or something is able to do.
For example:
“I can do a backflip!” or “Birds can fly.”

Could : this word can also be used when you are asking a favor of someone. Similar to can.
For example:
“Could you get me my shoes?”
It also shows if someone is able to do something
For example:
“I could do that too!”

Will: This word can be used to show that you are going to do something is the future.
For example:
“I will go shopping tomorrow.”

Would: this word can be used to ask a favor of someone.
For example:
“Would you please turn off the tv?”

Shall: this word is similar to “going to”
For example:
“I shall do my homework.”

Should: this word can used when you are telling yourself or someone else to do something, but not in a commanding way.
For example:
“I should go do the dishes.” or “He should get some help.”

May: this word can be used when your asking someone if you can do something.
For example:
“May I go to the bathroom?”
It can also be used like the word “can” as in showing that you or someone else can do something.
For example:
“You may go to the bathroom.”

Might: this word can be used if you are not sure something will happen or not.
For example:
“It might rain today.”

Must: this word shows that you have to do something, you can not put it aside.
For example:
“I must go to school today.” or “She must do her chores.”

I’m not sure how to explain “ought” but I hope this helps!

If any native speaker wants to add to or correct me, please do!

Translations of "Modal"

Q: Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? Please teach me some modal particles could be used in chat online. Similar to Chinese “嗯”、“唔”、“呃”,etc.
A: Actually, I think a lot of them are very similar to Chinese ones
Some common ones I can think of are "ah" "oh" "eh" "huh" "hmm..." "woah"
I'm including a variety of example sentences.

The differences between "ah" "oh" "eh" are quite small, but if you switch them accidentally, it probably won't be confusing or too unusual. They are all used to soften sentences, express surprise, curiosity, etc... but I think "ah" is the most versatile for most situations, basically the same feeling as "嗯" and "啊"

"ah, I must have been mistaken"
"ah, I thought you already saw that movie"
(both sentences above can also use "oh" "eh" "huh" "hmm")
"ah, have you gone home yet?"
"ah, I understand"

"ahhh" can also be typed as "aaaaa" "aaahh" etc... honestly, the ratio of "a" and "h" doesn't matter 😅
"ahhhh it's too beautiful..."
"aahhhhh I forgot to submit my schoolwork before the deadline 😩"
"aaa I can't remember where I put my phone charger"

"oh" is the same as 哦, 嗯, 噢

"eh" is a feeling of disbelief or indifference, based on context.
"eh, are you sure?"
"eh, I won't believe you unless I see it"
"eh, I read that book. It wasn't very good"
"eh, I don't really care about that type of thing"

"huh" is like amusement, surprise, or confusion.
"huh, I thought this show had more episodes"
"huh, am I hearing this correctly?"
it can also be used like 吧.
"it's already kind of late huh?" 现在已经有点晚了吧?

"ehhh???" and "huh???" are both very surprised.

"hmm" is like pausing to think.
"hmm, I can't think of anything"
"hmm, where did I save my files..."

"woah" and "wow" are the same as 哇
"woah, so amazing!" 哇,太棒了!

I hope this isn't too confusing. I can also answer any new questions about this ( ̄▽ ̄")

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