Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Nod"

Example sentences using "Nod"

Translations of "Nod"

Q: Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? A. They nod their head.
B. They nod their heads.
C. We waste a lot of food in our daily life.
D. We waste a lot of food in our daily lives.
Which ones are right?
What is the difference between C and D?
A: The first one is not very good English. "my aim in essay on [topic]" is broken grammar. It should be "my aim in this essay on" or "my aim in my essay on" just to fix the grammar. And "on our daily life in our daily life" is weirdly repetitive and doesn't make complete sense. But the link says it is an essay from a Primary school, so it is possible that a child wrote it and they used imperfect English because they are young. That would explain the English mistakes that it makes.

The second one is this review here And you can see that they used "best food in our lives" in their actual sentences and descriptions. They only used "in our life" in the title. It is like they could not decide which way was correct, so they did both. So again, it is imperfect English. They were probably writing quickly and did not worry about making sure it was correct, or even consistent.


In general, we use "in our life" when talking as a unit. So our household is a unit, our marriage is a unit. So we can say things like "in our married life, we do this" or "in our household, this habit is a part of our daily life."

But we use "in our daily lives" when talking about multiple individuals, separate people, so it needs the plural. So "the people in my town are always busy with their daily lives, so they don't need things like wars to make their lives more difficult."

But it can sometimes get complicated, because some words can be talked about as a grouped unit, or as a lot of individual people who each have different needs but must work together. So if it is talking about them as individual people, who may have different and separate needs, then it may use the plural of "lives" because it is talking about them as individuals. But if it's talking about the needs of the group, as a unit, then sometimes it may talk about it as "life" instead. So that would depend on the context.

Also "life" can be used to talk in general about lifestyle and daily life, everyday life as a concept...and that uses "life" for that. So "dorm life in college" or "young married life for newlyweds can be stressful" or "I'm living the single life". So sometimes "our daily life" is talking about the concept of someone's everyday lifestyle, so it will use "our life" or "our daily life" for that meaning.

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