Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Oven"

The meaning of "Oven" in various phrases and sentences

Q: Что значит "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food? "

What's the meaning of "You of in"??
A: This is a meme. I first saw it in this image.
I laugh because of how this sentence is written, its like someone from another planet wrote it. very strange and I thought it was funny.

>Why do they call it oven
in English the word oven( OV-en ) sounds like the words "of in".
he wants to know why people call this kitchen appliance by this name

>when you of in the cold food
this is the stupid part, he is pretending "of in" is a phrasal verb, it is not.
this is not a common or sensible way to use these words
if you used real words you would say "put in"
>> Why do they call it oven
>> when you [put in] the cold food

of out hot eat the food?
he is pretending "of out" is a phrasal verb, it is not.
this would mean the opposite of "put in" so "pull out"
>> Why do they call it oven
>> when you [put in] the cold food
>> [pull out] hot eat the food?

many tools in english have names that describe what the tool does
stapler -> puts staples in things
copier -> makes copies of things
screwdriver -> drives screws into things

the whole point is that he thinks ovens (of in) have the wrong name
by his logic they should be called (of out)s because you "of out"(pull out) hot food.

also, its a nonsense meme you can post to confuse people tho a lot of people have seen it so they will probably not read it and tell you to shut up.

now, this grammar is still really bad
you can see one commenter said he "just had a stroke"
a stroke when blood is blocked from the brain
usually causing you to lose the ability to hear, speak, read, or other things.
its written so badly the commenter feels like his brain is dying lol

>> Why do they call it (an) oven
>> when you [put in] the cold food
>> (and) [pull out] (the hot food to eat)?

This is EXTREMELY stupid and even people who understand probably would not laugh. I thought it was funny tho so thanks for reminding me of it.

hope this makes sense

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