Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Present"

The meaning of "Present" in various phrases and sentences

Q: Что значит present simple
A: @Idiot: The present simple is the basic conjugation of any verb used to express that something currently in the present occurs. It is often used to show that something is happening at a fixed point in time (for the present or possibly in the future) and is ALWAYS used for repeated actions.

Take the infinitive form of the word "to work" the present simple conjugation is "work"
I love to work <----Work is in the infinitive form, love is in the present simple form
I work at home <---- Work is in the present simple form. (Action occurring in the present)
I work every day from 8-5 <---Work is in the present simple form (Action that occurs over and over)
Ana works in the afternoon. <--- Work is in the present simple form (Action in an exact moment of time, possibly future)

Compare this to the present continuous which is an ongoing action in time
I am working on the car <--- Go on right now, and still happening.

There is the preterite sometimes known as the perfective
I worked on the car <--- This is a completed action

The present perfect is have worked
I have worked since 9 am <---- This is a action that has occurred since a given point in time up until an specified/unspecified point in time.

Future tense is will work
I will work on the car tomorrow <---- This is a tense that shows an intended action that will occur later

Future perfect <---- This is a "completed" action in the future based on a point in time that has not yet occured
Next fall I will have worked for XYZ for 3 years.

There are similar versions of the past as well, past continuous, past perfect, there are a few other tenses that are not mentioned, which require a lot more detail, hope this helps.

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