Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Referendum"

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Q: Although referendums are simple and direct methods of democracy, they often do not work well or sometimes even bring about dander to society for the following three reasons.

First, even though issues questioned in referendums may often involve complex considerations, they become oversimplified as a result of the need to have a simple question and the campaign may not bring out the complexities. Most important social issues should have more options than just the Yes/No question that a referendum generally asks.

Second, there are no clear criteria as to when a referendum should be held. Therefore, some referendums could be promised by party leaders because of electoral and party considerations rather than because these are clearly the main issues that the public should decide upon. Also, if referendums become much more frequent and cover other areas, they may lead to paralysis of government.

Finally, referendum may create division within communities, especially if a narrow victory or loss occurs. These divisions take time to heal, if they ever do. The result of referendum is inevitably so clear that anyone can see which is majority and which is minority. In those cases, necessary compromises are hardly made and thus minority’s rights are often ignored.

Due to the points mentioned above, referendums usually do not benefit democracy and fail to keep the community healthy. это звучит нормально?
A: Although referendums are simple and direct methods of democracy, they often do not work well or sometimes even bring about danger to society for the following reasons.

First, complex issues become oversimplified in a referendum since they need to be expressed as a simple question, and the campaign may not discuss all the possible outcomes that the public may want. Most important social issues have more facets than the Yes/No question that a referendum generally asks. For example, people in favor of the idea but not the execution may vote No even if they support the idea if executed differently.

Second, there are no clear criteria as to when a referendum should be held. Therefore, some referendums could be promised by party leaders because of electoral and party considerations rather than because these are clearly the main issues that the public should decide upon. Also, if referendums become much more frequent and cover other areas, they may lead to paralysis of the government.

Finally, referendums can create division within communities, especially if a narrow victory or loss occurs. These divisions take time to heal, if they ever do. The result of a referendum is inevitably so clear that anyone can see which is the majority and which is the minority. In those cases, necessary compromises are rarely made and the minority’s rights are often ignored.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, referendums usually do not benefit democracy and fail to keep the community healthy.

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