Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sweetest"

The meaning of "Sweetest" in various phrases and sentences

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Q: It was the sweetest days ever.
I went to Kankun where is the famous for beautiful beach, me and my girlfriend were totally relaxed and just get rid of stress from our works.
I also went to Mexico city for 3days and this was also really good. the culture is so different from Japan, and I was very surprised that mexican food in Mexico is so good. of cource I have had a mexican food in Japan, but the taste was totally different between Mexico and Japan.
I totally recommend to go to mexico city not Kankun for sure. and Teotiwacan was the best place ive ever been. it is known for world Heritage. there are a lot of pyramid. and that is sooooo large. это звучит нормально?

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