Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Teaching"

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Q: -I thought a teaching job would be the best way for me to get used to english.
I taught students at the age of 6 to 11.
I also designed lessons that are utilizing game.

-I began to prepare to go to america

-There was some problems in my family.

-One thing that i know was i want to work across the world/around the world with my ability.

-I found it's a huge company than i expected and for a moment it made me feel a little bit small but it turned out how proud would i be of myself if i become a part of this company. But actually it would be the same for me even if the company is small, because I would just be proud of myself speaking two languages, working with new people from all over the world and growing a professional individual through great and sometimes tough experiences.

It's a few parts of my job interview. Please correct me!

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