Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Voyage"

Example sentences using "Voyage"

Synonyms of "Voyage" and their differences

Q: В чем разница между voyage и journey и trip и travel ?
A: I will tell you the ways in which I, personally, use the following words!! voyage: i use this when speaking about long trips, mostly taken by boat, or as a historical term. The longest voyage the 87 year old sailor had been on, was the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean. The historians found that the colonizers had a three year voyage on their way to the new land. /journey: this can be used many ways; journey can be equivalent to trip and also can be used metaphorically or with a “deeper meaning”. The journey the turtle took through the busy jungle wasn’t easy, but he made it successfully. Life can be full of ups and downs, don’t forget to enjoy the journey. / trip: also has many meanings. i obviously understand you want the meaning in the sense of the other words, but you should know it also can indicate someone falling, stumbling. this word is something i would use to describe a vacation, short or long. We took a two week trip to Los Angeles. Did you hear the Martins are going on a trip to Germany? / travel: this is used unlike the others, as travel is mainly used as a verb, whereas the others are primarily used as nouns. this is a word i would use to describe hobbies i enjoy. I enjoy traveling, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I heard Jessie’s mom is never home because she likes to travel so much. - while you could also use it in the following sentence: “I want to travel to Mexico.” i personally wouldn’t, in this case i would say, “ I want to take a trip to Mexico.” hope this helps! :)

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