Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Will"

Synonyms of "Will" and their differences

Translations of "Will"

Q: Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? как определить когда ставиться will,а когда going to?

One important detail about “WILL” is that it is most often used to discuss things or situations that may take a long time to happen. The expression “WILL” is used in the following situations:

Dreams – ex. Someday I will learn another language.

Promises – ex. I promise I’ll call you tonight!

To express actions that are far into the future – ex. I will get married someday. 

Requests – ex. Will you buy a hamburger for me? Thank you!

To discuss a fact – ex. I’ll graduate from college next year

After making a decision – ex. Yes! I will marry you!

Help/Volunteer – ex. I’ll volunteer at this event tonight!


One important detail about “GOING TO” is that it is most often used to discuss things or situations that might happen soon. The expression “GOING TO” is used in the following situations:

Definite plans – ex. I am going to help you with your English!

Immediate actions – ex. I’m going to eat lunch with my friend tomorrow (not 3 years from now).

Actions that will happen soon – ex. I’m going to be a doctor someday.

Anticipation – ex. Are you going to download our free Ebook?

Predicting a future action – ex. The weather is going to be very cold today.


When you are plans are definite, use GOING TO. When you dream of doing something, use WILL.

When you’re talking about actions that are far into the future (months or maybe years from now), use WILL. When you’re talking about actions that you will do soon (tomorrow or next week), use GOING TO.

When you want to ask/request for something, use WILL). When you’re expecting/anticipating something to happen, use GOING TO.

Finally, when you promise something, use ‘WILL!’

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