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Удалённый аккаунт
27 окт. 2020

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Вопрос про Английский (американский вариант)

Что значит The representatives of the tech-based networks talk about home-based childcare not as a last resort, but as an artisanal, locally sourced amenity, childcare's version of Airbnb—that could also change the world. ?

If you want to know the context, it's 8th paragraph of this article.
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  • Английский (американский вариант)
Удалённый аккаунт

  • Английский (американский вариант)
Удалённый аккаунт

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Что значит The representatives of the tech-based networks talk about home-based childcare not as a last resort, but as an artisanal, locally sourced amenity, childcare's version of Airbnb—that could also change the world.?
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