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24 сент. 2022

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Вопрос про Русский

Can you please help me understand what is being said

Заявился к нам на стройку как-то таджик.
A guy from Tajik came to us on the construction site.

Молодой, лет 25, в очках.
Young guy, around 25 years old, in glasses.

Есть, спрашивает, поработать?
Is there work that needs to be done? He asks.

Есть, отвечают, вон, забор перенести нужно и галерею, 50 тысяч.
There is a fence that needs to be carried and a gallery, 50k (what is 50k? the pay?)

До конца месяца успеем норм?
(I don't understand this, is the guy in glasses asking whether this work can be finished by the end of the month?)
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